Welcome to Schulte Roofing®
I want to personally thank you for visiting our site and considering us for your roofing project. At this time, you are in the most important stage of the selection process. You may be asking, “Who should I choose? Which product and brand do I prefer? What about Energy Star rated or impact resistant products? What about the contractor’s installers—are they trained and drug tested? Do they have the communication skills to see my project through to my satisfaction? Does the company have an office I can visit? Can they back their warranties?” And the list goes on ….
The average building or home owner only replaces a roof once in their lifetime; it is so important to get all the facts you can, to make your decision based on more than just product selection and price. Even a bad contractor or company can purchase good products and offer an appealingly low price. Look past that, into the people or company you are trusting to install and warranty the product you select. At Schulte Roofing®, our goal is not to simply sell you something, but rather to provide you education so you can purchase the right roof to fit your need, want, and financial budget.

We have been in the roofing business for over 30 years, building an impressive track record of successful completions and satisfied clients. Our commercial team has a strong portfolio of high profile roofing projects over $1,000,000.00. And our unmatched competence and professionalism on every roofing project we take on has led to awards like Best Roofing Company, by Best of the Brazos, every year for the past decade. Our commitment to professional service includes always backing our teams with workers’ compensation and general liability coverage of $10,000,000.00.
BBB Torch Award
DUNS Number
OSHA Compliant
Crane Rigging Certifications
Forklift Certifications
Man lift Certifications
Our professional roofers and installers have earned multiple manufacturer, safety, and industry certifications. We don’t stop there, though: to ensure we are always on the cutting edge of the industry, our people train continuously throughout the year.
Expert Advice
We have accumulated over 100 years of combined roofing experience and we believe in sharing it openly with other industry professionals and homeowners alike.
A lifetime commitment to excellence has been our driving force for the past 30 years and will continue to be so for the next 100 years and more. As we grow and continue to excel at our craft, we are honored to be recognized for our service and achievements.