The most common enemy to a warm home during the winter season is heat loss that is due to the continuous reciprocal movement of air inside the house. The process of infiltration occurs when the cold winter air finds a way to move into the house and push the warm air out of the house.…
Author: Schulte Roofing
Because of recent changes in some of the methods being used by contractors in roofing installation of a Woodlands home, owners are learning just how careful they must be before signing a contract to have their roof replaced or repaired. A few of these changes are the increased installation expenses, high-priced new materials or advanced…
Choosing the right roofing material for a roof Houston is as important as choosing the right building location. This is the most challenging part when reroofing or putting up a brand new roofing structure. There are many things to consider when homeowners are in the selection process. Elements to consider include: curb appeal, climate condition,…
The most common enemy of all The Woodlands roofing is the material’s susceptibility to various elements of nature. Whether that cause is sun’s heat, rain, strong wind, hail, or snow, the impact is extremely large, especially on its level of performance. Another problem that is given great importance nowadays by roofing companies is the level…
In the past, Houston commercial roofing contractors gave little significance to roofing structure. They didn’t mind its impact to the environment, business and comfort of the people using the building and thought that everything was fine as long as the roof served its primary purpose. Research and rigorous studies regarding the effect of the type…
Often, those who own buildings or homes with flat roofs have multiple problems with their roofs. Owners of these buildings or homes need a simple understanding of what must be done to repair these roofs. Problems with flat roofs commonly begin with the pooling of water, which eventually causes the supporting structure to rot, creating…
Roof framing is a challenging job. Like surgeons, all cuts should be accurate to achieve the desired result. Many Houston roofing contractors agree that roof framing requires more skills and knowledge compared to any other framing activities. There are several roof styles and mathematical equations carpenters have to use in order to build a wonderful…
Basically, Houston roof pitch is a numerical measure and defined as the degree of roof inclination expressed in a rational fraction. The pitch of the roof differs from one place to another; this is primarily due to the climates existing in that particular region. Its ultimate purpose is to shed off rain and prevent snow…
In the past, people did not pay as much attention to the color of a roof as they do today. Since the development of reflective coating technology, more importance has been placed on these colors. In fact, roofer Houston contractors highly recommend reflective coating not only to add beauty to the entire home but to…
In a report by the United States Department of Energy (DOE), the primary reason for an increase in household power consumption is the use of central air-conditioning. This accounts for approximately 31 percent of the total energy consumed by every household. In fact, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) is the major contributor to increased household…