
We did it! It’s now official; the world’s largest Ginger bread house Guinness World Record belongs to the great people of Bryan TX, Schulte Roofing, and all of the volunteers . The massive 39201.8 cubic feet edible structure officially took this coveted title after Phillip Robertson (a Guinness World Record’s adjudicator) formally declared it the…

This coming 30th of November, all roads lead to Traditions Private Golf and Country Club in Bryan College Station for the unveiling of the world’s largest gingerbread house. Traditions Club, the owners of this ingenious project, has invited us to provide the roof for this monumental structure. We know this is a big project because…

Tax rebates are considered very lucrative way of saving hard earned money directly. Government provides many tax rebate schemes for those households who take measures to lessen the usage of electricity by either employing solar power harnessing schemes or by using energy efficient construction materials and items. CertainTeed provides scientific roofing solutions that are proven…

Over the years, Schulte Roofing has repaired and installed thousands of roofs throughout central and southeast Texas – from as far as Waco to the North and Galveston to the south. We pride ourselves on the fact that we’re the only roofing company in this region with BulletProof Roof guarantee. Unfortunately, because of our professional…