Getting a new roof is a major expense that can be an expensive dreaded event, ranking somewhere down the line along with having a septic system serviced. It is still a necessity of home maintenance and there are ways to save some money when the time comes for that new roof as outlined in the…
When deciding on the right color for a roof to make it really stand out, it is important to know all available options as choosing the correct shade can make quite a difference. Shingles can be painted with a special coating to prolongs their life as well as help in the reflectivity, or absorption, of…
Anyone facing the need to replace a roof could spend a lot of time considering how much the job will cost, and what kind of warranty is given. Yet knowing the right time of year to schedule the work is also important and in many cases, will have a direct effect on the price of…
When Mother Nature is annoyed, she throws her best in the form of storms of all kinds, many of which cause extensive property damage. Hail damage is just about the worst type of roof destruction as wekk as wind damage. Combined, these losses to roofing surfaces can be either quite substantial or so subtle as…
Metal has been a great choice for roofing for a long time. Not only is it strong and durable, it is economical as well; if used in the right way, it is also quite energy efficient. There are multiple kinds of metal that can be used on homes and buildings, mostly consisting of a variety…
It may often be wondered exactly how professionals can determine why a roofing system fails. There is much that can be told by the bumps and wrinkles on a roof’s surface as it is typically the result of many events having occurred over the years. It is important to know some of the most common…
When having a new roof installed, it is as important to make sure a warranty is provided as with any other major purchase, although such a guarantee is not often completely understood. Knowing a warranty’s limitations and requirements is essential in order to avoid unexpected and costly problems after making assumptions about what was originally…
Even a well-built structure can experience moisture build-up or leaks that develop at joints, generating mold and resulting in expensive and time-consuming repairs. There is now some good news about this issue – rain screens can help keep a home dry. This is an effective way to eliminate long-term leaks; however, first read the following…
It is essential to understand the benefits and long term impact of using green products and technologies on a roof. Energy can be saved and environment footprints can be lessened; however, it is important to know what is involved before installing a product that will require repair or replacement in just a few years. When…
Over the past several years, environmental responsibility has been called upon in every sector of the business world. Many companies are looking for opportunities to use alternative and renewable sources of energy. This is why photovoltaic roofing is growing in popularity and being used by many exclusive buildings. When making a decision to include such…