Whenever a new roof must be considered, careful deliberation must be given about all available options. Replacing a roof is a very costly venture and for this reason, the choice is often made to have an overlay done in order to save time, labor and disposal costs. Of course, whether or not this is possible…
The seams on a roof can be a hotspot for water penetration. There are many different types of seams and each one is prone to costly damage from constant exposure to many weather conditions. When membrane products are exposed to abrupt temperature changes, they can expand, contract, and erode, causing seams to separate and water…
Roofing experts recommend that keeping a roof cool be done because of the many advantages to be found; this can be achieved by using highly reflective and energy-emitting elements. This has lead to a program known as LEED or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design to verify energy savings in the way that building are…
Over the last few years, the use of single-ply roofing has become much more common in residential homes because it has many advantages to offer such as lower cost, less maintenance, and even fewer odors when installed. If it is poorly designed, improperly installed, or lacks proper care, it could prematurely fail. So it would…
It is important to protect the valuables that are inside of a building with a roof that not only provides beauty and savings but is constructed with material that can last a lifetime – and metal panels are being used more and more for just such roofing needs. This type of building covering comes in…
When designing sustainable homes and commercial buildings, having an area that is energy and cost efficient with good indoor air quality and controlled moisture must also be sound-proof for a totally comfortable environment. One of the critical elements in high performance residential and commercial building construction is featuring the principle of thermal and moisture protection.…
Since the roof is designed to protect everything underneath its covering, being able to withstand heat, cold and other harsh forms of weather is very important. There should always be some type of preventive maintenance plan in place to prolong the service life of this valuable building covering. This can be done through frequent inspections…
The repair or replacement of a roof may come unexpectedly and catch a building owner off guard. There are many issues that contribute to rooftop damage including the location, poor maintenance, moisture, and many others. When deciding whether to repair or replace an existing structure, certain factors should be examined in order to save time,…
Gutter cleaning is another one of those annoying but necessary home maintenance jobs, definitely not something to be overlooked. In order for gutters to properly function, there cannot be any clogging debris that would render them useless. Rotting vegetation in the gutters not only smells bad and draw insects; it causes unsightly stains on both…
When it comes to fire and building components, the roof is one of the most vulnerable parts and is generally the first thing to ignite, especially in fire-prone areas. This is why Underwriters Laboratories Inc., a non-profit organization, continuously evaluates and certifies the capacity of roofing material and related systems to resist flames. This testing…