
Important Indications of When to Replace Your Roof!

Rebuilding a roof is one of the most expensive projects for any existing house. It will probably costHouston_Roof thousands of dollars and is a very serious matter with a direct affect on the safety, comfort, and finances of the residents. To avoid spending a large amount to replace this structure, it is crucial to learn how to identify some of the warning signs of a problem before becoming severe enough to require replacement.

It is likewise important not to immediately assume that a structure needs a new roof simply because a problem has been detected. The most straightforward solution to such a situation is to conduct a thorough inspection of the structure and/or contact a roofing expert who knows how to correctly look for any tell-tale signs that indicate there may be structural issues to consider.

Detection Methods

There are two methods that should be used to look for any red flags that may indicate this system needs to be replaced: checking the interior and also checking the exterior portions of the structure.

  • Interior – The attic space should be checked as least twice a year, preferable in the spring before storm season and the fall before winter weather as recommended by the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA). The proper means to inspect begins by getting a flashlight and entering into the attic space.
  • Exterior – Once the interior portion of the inspection has been completed, it is time to go to the outside portion of the structure and get a ladder for a simple visual assessment on the exterior surface of the roof using binoculars. This can be done by either by the building owner or by roofing professionals who can perform a more detailed inspection.

Possible Indicators

Age is the primary indicator as to when it is time to replace a housetop protective system, especially if approaching the end of its service life. There are also other potential indicators that could signal that replacement may be necessary.

  • Extensive Shingle Damage – Normally, granulation occurs during installation; however, if there is extensive granulation that exposes the material underneath, it is probably time for replacement. If the damage is severe , such as untreated buckling, curling, blistering, or rotting, it would be wise to seek the service of professionals immediately.
  • Water Stains – Ceiling discoloration often occurs due to water leaks. If not addressed promptly, it may damage and weaken essential structures such as rafters, joists, underlayment, sheathing, and trusses. If further left untouched, the roof is at risk for possible collapse.
  • Faulty Installation – External factors play a critical role in the need for rebuilding. Faulty designs, improper material, and poor or improper installation could result in conditions where the structure may either need to be modified or replaced.
  • Termite Infestation – Termites are wood eaters and once these insects attack essential structures, something severe is bound to happen. If wooden trusses and/or rafters are eaten, it will significantly cripple the efficiency of these structural elements to support the entire building. In such cases, the building can be tented and fumigated to destroy the infestation and prevent further invasion.

It is imperative to perform periodic maintenance and address problems as soon as apparent before any major and expensive damages occur; however, if a structure does have some damage, it would be wrong to immediately jump to the conclusion that for replacement. There are certain important indications that may appear and if such happens to suggest that replacement may be in order, it is important to contact a roofing expert to provide a detailed assessment and make suggestions about the proper actions that should be taken!

Do you have a Houston roof that may need to be examined? Schulte Roofing of Navasota provides excellent service and can help all greater Houston area customers with any roofing problems!