Copper roofs may not be common generally but they have been used for decades, not just to increase the aesthetic value of an architecture but also to offer it adequate protection. Copper sheets provide a rigid water-resistant covering with minimum joints between the sheets, providing a smooth and aesthetically appealing surface even over curved architectures.
Copper has significantly less density and greater tensile strength. This makes it a more suitable material for steeply pitched roofs like domes and spires, because the tensile strength significantly reduces the chances of creeping. Copper roofs can also stand fire disasters because copper has a much higher melting point than other roofing materials. Owing to this quality, copper roofs are ideal for high-value structures.
Copper roofs are not only great for protection from fire and water but also gives a luxurious appearance to the entire structure and offers durability like no other metal roof. The warmth of its color and beauty simply adds a wow factor to just about any structure, making it a highly preferred material for architects.
Many structures with copper roofs have been in place for centuries and are considered a traditional practice when it comes to building quality roofs. Everyone wants to stay safe from environmental conditions and disasters that a structure might have to endure over the years and copper roofing is the answer. Copper’s resistance to weather elements and beautiful appearance ranks as the highest among other modern roofing materials.
There are many more outstanding benefits that copper roofing has to offer. You get an economical, long-term roofing solution without any maintenance costs involved. Unlike other roofing materials that require maintenance and metals that require painting and finishing, copper roofing never demand any costly repairs or finishing.
Copper’s malleability and ductility makes it an ideal choice for roofs with an irregular structure, as it can be readily handled by proper designing and installation of copper roofing materials. Furthermore, copper roofing doesn’t limit you to specific metallic colors; you can choose almost every color that you may want to have on your housetop. However, the traditional bronze tone of copper leads classic patina finish.
Copper Roofing Ideas for Fall
Copper Roofing Materials
When it comes to copper roofing you don’t have to limit yourself to copper sheets. You can choose from a wide range of copper roofing materials depending on the final look you desire. These are some of the most in demand and common roofing materials that you should consider.

Copper Diamond Shingles
On every kind of copper roof, diamond shingles make an ultimate statement by bringing together distinction, beauty and superlative performance. Customized patterns provide your house with an elegant appearance. With a custom patina and beautiful appearance, you also get durability and optimum protection.

Copper Panels
Ski lodge-style houses that you might have noticed in regions are best complemented with copper panels. During the fall season, harsh climatic conditions like snow, wind and rain are common and to withstand them all, copper on the housetop is the best solution. With increased protection and durability, copper roofing really adds to the aesthetic appeal of your residence with little to no maintenance at all, even during the most unfavorable weather conditions. Any house with copper panels on top can appear unimaginably beautiful, ultramodern and stand out in the entire neighborhood.

Copper Roof Tiles
While installing copper roofing in your home, you can easily find copper tiles with several different textures. After installation, the rooftop gets a textured and lustrous appearance that’s not only appealing to the eye but also favorable in terms of protection and durability.

Roof Styles
A trendy rooftop compliments the entire structure. Certain roof structures are considered ideal for copper roofing and cater to easy installation of every kind of copper roofing material.
Tudor Style
Tudor style houses can easily be recognized with their steeply pitched and contrasting roof lines and multiple gables of different heights along with a number of dormers. Eyebrow windows and slate roofs are also common in Tudor homes. The entire roofing structure can mark perfection in terms of aesthetic value with copper roofing materials. From copper shingles to panels, all copper roofing materials can easily integrate with any kind of roofing structure.
Prairie Style
Copper roofing materials are highly versatile and can fit in almost every roof structure. Prairie houses often have vertical planes and slopes, most roofing materials have certain slope requirements for proper installation but copper being malleable and ductile, can perfectly cover the structure without looking untidy.
The Color Guide
During fall, snow on the roof is a major hurdle and other roofing materials can be highly affected by water damage and moisture due to snow especially after it starts melting. Metal is water-resistant and provides optimum protection to your housetop. At times, people are concerned about the appearance because they think choosing metal limits their choice of colors. However, metal roofs come in a rainbow of colors. When you choose to go with copper, you are making a design statement that stands out and it’s highly recommended that you treat your copper roof with an accent color that matches your front door. .
If you don’t your roof to stand out too much, then choose a natural roof color like bronze, dark charcoal black or brown, instead of colors like pink and blue. In case you are looking forward to drawing all the attention towards your roof or want it to be the focal point of your house then you have a limitless choice of colors for metal roofing. You can also contrast the color of your roof with your home’s siding or brick color. Choosing complimentary colors will cater to a monochromatic scheme and your house will instantly have a more classic look and feel to it.
Trends in your Neighborhood
For more ideas, look around in your neighborhood and you will most likely find a rooftop that goes along well with your taste. Make sure though that in the process of making your home stand out in the entire neighborhood, you are not making it the most grand eyesore on the block!